Source code for trs_interface

# Copyright 2021 Patrick C. Tapping
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.

The ``trs_interface`` package is responsible for the host (computer) side of communications
and control of the TRSpectrometer interface hardware.

The most important part of the package is the :class:`TRSInterface` class.
This will handle all of a typical user's needs when communicating with the device.

Example usage:

.. code-block:: python

    from trs_interface import TRSInterface
    trsi = TRSInterface()

    # Initialise other associated hardware devices
    # delay = ... motorised delay stage
    # chopper = ... optical chopper wheel
    # camera = ... detector

    # Do any required configuration
    trsi.set_chopper_divider = 4
    trsi.set_chopper_delay = 50          # == 1.2 us (units of 1/42 MHz, ~24 ns)
    trsi.set_camera_sync_delay = 75      # == 1.8 us
    trsi.set_camera_sync_duration = 100  # == 2.4 us

    # Set up a handler for when data is received
    data = (None, None)
    def data_handler(quad_pos, chop_state):
        global data
        print(f"Received {data[0].shape[0]} data points.")
        data = (quad_pos, chop_state)

    # Set up a handler to be notified immediately if the connection fails
    def error_handler(message):
        print(f"Error: {message}")

    # Move delay to starting position

    # Arm the device so it's waiting for start trigger from delay

    # Start the move
    # ... wait

    # Do something with the data

The status of the device can be queried using the :data:`~TRSInterface.status` property.
This is a dictionary containing the fields:

* ``"connected"``
* ``"laser_sync_polarity"``
* ``"chopper_syncin_polarity"``
* ``"chopper_syncout_polarity"``
* ``"delay_trig_polarity"``
* ``"camera_trig_polarity"``
* ``"quadrature_polarity"``
* ``"quadrature_direction"``
* ``"chopper_sync_delay"``
* ``"chopper_sync_duration"``
* ``"camera_sync_delay"``
* ``"camera_sync_duration"``
* ``"chopper_divider"``
* ``"quadrature_value"``
* ``"laser_sync_period"``

Class properties are also implemented so that the values can be queried or set easily, for example:

.. code-block:: python

    # Print the current quadrature value
    # Set the camera sync pulse duration to 2.952 us (units of 1/42 MHz, ~24 ns)
    trsi.camera_sync_duration = 123;

To configure signal polarities or quadrature directions, some enumerations are defined in the :mod:`~trs_interface.protocol` package:

.. code-block:: python

    from trs_interface.protocol import Polarity, Direction

    # Laser input sync on falling edge of signal
    trsi.laser_sync_polarity = Polarity.FALLING
    # Delay input signal active low
    trsi.delay_trig_polarity = Polarity.LOW
    # Invert quadrature counting direction
    trsi.quadrature_direction = Direction.REVERSE

Once all parameters are configured, to save the settings so they are used as defaults when first powered on:

.. code-block:: python



__version__ = "1.4.3"

import logging
import asyncio
from threading import Thread
import atexit
import re

import serial
from import list_ports, list_ports_common

from .protocol import encoder, ID, Polarity, Direction
from .protocol.decoder import StreamDecoder

[docs]class TRSInterface(): """ Initialise and open serial device for the TRSInterface device. If the ``serial_port`` parameter is ``None`` (default), then an attempt to detect the device will be performed. The first device found will be returned. If multiple devices are attached to the system, the ``location`` parameter may be used to select the correct device. Location refers to the USB bus and port identifier the device is plugged in to, for example "1-14:1.0". This is a regular expression match, for example ``location="14"`` would match devices with "14" anywhere in the location string, while ``location=".*14$"`` would match locations ending in 14. :param serial_port: Serial port device the device is connected to. :param location: Regular expression matching the serial number of device to search for. """ def __init__(self, serial_port=None, location=""): # If serial_port not specified, search for a device if serial_port is None: serial_port = find_device(location=location) # Accept a object (which we may have just found) if isinstance(serial_port, list_ports_common.ListPortInfo): serial_port = serial_port.device if serial_port is None: if location: msg = f"No TRSInterface devices detected with location matching '{location}'." else: msg = "No TRSInterface devices detected." raise RuntimeError(msg) self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._log.debug(f"Initialising serial port ({serial_port}).") # Open and configure serial port settings self._port = serial.Serial(serial_port, timeout=0.1, write_timeout=0.1) self._log.debug("Opened serial port OK.") self.status = { "connected" : True, "ping" : None, "version" : None, "laser_sync_polarity" : None, "chopper_syncin_polarity" : None, "chopper_syncout_polarity" : None, "delay_trig_polarity" : None, "camera_trig_polarity" : None, "quadrature_polarity" : None, "quadrature_direction" : None, "chopper_sync_delay" : None, "chopper_sync_duration" : None, "camera_sync_delay" : None, "camera_sync_duration" : None, "chopper_divider" : None, "quadrature_value" : None, "laser_sync_period" : None, } """Dictionary of status properties for the device.""" # Decoder for received messages self._decoder = StreamDecoder(self._port, on_error="warn") # List of functions to call when data is received self._data_callbacks = set() # List of functions to call if a connection error occurs self._error_callbacks = set() # Create a new event loop for ourselves to queue and send commands self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # Schedule the first check for incoming data on the serial port self._loop.call_soon(self._schedule_reads) self.read_interval = 0.1 """Time to wait between read attempts on the serial port, in seconds.""" # Schedule the first check for updated quadrature value self._update_handle = self._loop.call_soon(self._schedule_updates) self.update_interval = 0.33 """Time to wait between read queries of the device status, such as current quadrature decoder value.""" # Get values for status properties for name in self.status: if not name == "connected": self._loop.call_soon(self._write, encoder.pack(ID[f"GET_{name.upper()}"])) # Create a new thread to run the event loop in self._thread = Thread(target=self._run_eventloop) # Set as daemon thread so it can be killed automatically at program exit self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() # Close the serial port at exit in case close() wasn't called atexit.register(self._atexit) def _run_eventloop(self): """ Entry point for the event loop thread. """ self._log.debug("Starting event loop.") asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) try: self._loop.run_forever() finally: self._loop.close() self._loop = None self._log.debug("Event loop stopped.") self._close_port() def _close_port(self): """ Close the serial port connection to the device. """ if self._port is not None: self._log.debug("Closing serial connection.") self._port.close() self._port = None def _atexit(self): """ Catch exit signal and attempt to close everything gracefully. """ # Request the event loop to stop self.close() # Wait for event loop thread to finish self._thread.join() def _write(self, message_bytes): """ Write a message out the the serial port. :param message_bytes: Message to send to the device as raw byte array. """ #self._log.debug(f"Writing command bytes: {message_bytes}") try: self._port.write(message_bytes) self._port.flush() except serial.serialutil.SerialException: msg = "Unable to write to serial port (device disconnected?)" self._log.error(msg) self.status["connected"] = False self.close() # Notify listeners of error for cb in self._error_callbacks: cb(msg) def _schedule_reads(self): """ Check for any incoming messages and process them at regular intervals. """ #self._log.debug(f"Checking for data on serial port.") try: for msg in self._decoder: #self._log.debug(f"Received message: {msg}") self._process_message(msg) # Schedule next check self._loop.call_later(self.read_interval, self._schedule_reads) except serial.serialutil.SerialException: msg = "Unable to read from serial port (device disconnected?)" self._log.error(msg) self.status["connected"] = False self.close() # Notify listeners of error for cb in self._error_callbacks: cb(msg) except BufferError: # Message size limit exceeded, abort and try to recover. self._log.error("Received message exceeded maximum size limit.") self.stop() # Schedule next check self._loop.call_later(self.read_interval, self._schedule_reads) except ValueError: # Unpacking of data failed (bytes gone missing somewhere?) # We'll need to throw this set of data away, but hopefully not die completely self._log.error("Error unpacking data received from device.") self.stop() # Schedule next check self._loop.call_later(self.read_interval, self._schedule_reads) def _schedule_updates(self): """ Request updated device status at regular intervals. """ if self.status["connected"]: self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.get_quadrature_value()) self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.get_laser_sync_period()) # Schedule next check self._update_handle = self._loop.call_later(self.update_interval, self._schedule_updates) def _process_message(self, m): """ Process a single message from the device. :param m: The decoded message from the controller. """ action, _, name = m.msg.partition("_") if m.msg == "got_data": # Pass data to registered receivers for cb in self._data_callbacks: cb(m.quadrature, m.chopper) # Restart status update requests self._update_handle.cancel() self._update_handle = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._schedule_updates) elif m.msg == "got_version": # Use version string in payload of long-form message self.status["version"] = m.version elif action == "got" and name in self.status: # Update value in status dictionary self.status[name] = else: self._log.warn(f"Unhandled message: {m.msg}")
[docs] def register_data_callback(self, callback_function): """ Register a function to be called when data is received from the device. The function passed in should have the signature ``callback_function(quadrature, chopper)``, where ``quadrature`` is the value for the quadrature encoder as a numpy array of signed integers (np.uint32) and ``chopper`` is the state of the chopper ("on" or "off") as a numpy array of boolean values. :param callback_function: Function to call when data is received. """ if callable(callback_function): self._data_callbacks.add(callback_function) else: self._log.warn("Attempted to register a non-callable object as a callback function.")
[docs] def unregister_data_callback(self, callback_function): """ Unregister a previously registered callback function. The function passed in should have been previously registered using :meth:`register_data_callback`. :param callback_function: Function to unregister. """ if callback_function not in self._data_callbacks: self._log.warn("Attemped to unregister an unknown function.") else: self._data_callbacks.remove(callback_function)
[docs] def register_error_callback(self, callback_function): """ Register a function to be called if there is an error communicating with the device. The function passed in should have the signature ``callback_function(message)``, where ``message`` is a string describing the error. :param callback_function: Function to call when a connection error occurs. """ if callable(callback_function): self._error_callbacks.add(callback_function) else: self._log.warn("Attempted to register a non-callable object as a callback function.")
[docs] def unregister_error_callback(self, callback_function): """ Unregister a previously registered error callback function. The function passed in should have been previously registered using :meth:`register_error_callback`. :param callback_function: Function to unregister. """ if callback_function not in self._error_callbacks: self._log.warn("Attemped to unregister an unknown function.") else: self._error_callbacks.remove(callback_function)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the serial connection to the device. """ if self._loop is not None: self._log.debug("Stopping event loop.") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._loop.stop)
# Note, this returns before event loop has actually stopped and serial port closed def __getattr__(self, name): """ Intercept ``__getattr__`` calls for class properties which match valid device :data:`status` parameters. Allows the use of parameter names as class properties, for example ``q = device.quadrature_value`` instead of ``q = device.status["quadrature_value"]``. """ if "status" in self.__dict__ and name in self.status: if (self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]) and not name == "connected": raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") return self.status[name] else: raise AttributeError(f"Attempt to get invalid status property '{name}'.") def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Intercept __setattr__ calls for class properties which match valid device :data:`status` parameters. Allows the use of feature names as class properties, for example ``device.quadrature_value = 0``. """ if "status" in self.__dict__ and name in self.status: if self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]: raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") if name == "ping": # Ping is a special case, no "set" message, but repeats data value sent in "get" message self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.get_ping(value)) else: try: # Normal parameter, set value, then query to update real value from device self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.pack(ID[f"SET_{name.upper()}"], value)) self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.pack(ID[f"GET_{name.upper()}"])) except KeyError: # Likely a read-only value such as laser sync period self._log.warn(f"Couldn't set value for read-only property: {name}") else: super().__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def trigger(self): """ Begin sending camera trigger pulses, but do not return chopper or delay positions. The triggering can be stopped with :meth:`stop`. Status updates will still occur while triggering is occurring. """ if self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]: raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.trigger(True))
[docs] def arm(self): """ Arm the device to start collecting data on hardware trigger signal from the delay stage. """ if self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]: raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") # Stop requesting status updates, as they'll cancel the arm status self._update_handle.cancel() self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.arm(True))
[docs] def start(self, frame_count=0): """ Instruct the device to start collecting data immediately. """ if self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]: raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") # Stop requesting status updates self._update_handle.cancel() self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.start(frame_count))
[docs] def stop(self): """ Instruct the device to stop collecting data, or exit the :meth:`arm` mode. """ if self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]: raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.stop()) # Restart requests for status updates self._update_handle.cancel() self._update_handle = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._schedule_updates)
[docs] def store_settings(self): """ Instruct the device to store its current settings to flash memory. The settings will be used as defaults when powered on in the future. """ if self._loop is None or not self.status["connected"]: raise ConnectionError("Connection to serial device failed.") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._write, encoder.store_settings())
[docs] def status_formatted(self): """ Get a human-readable interpretation of the device status. :returns: String of status values. """ return format_status(self.status)
[docs]def format_status(status_dict): """ Convert a status dictionary to a readable format suitable for printing. :param status_dict: Status dictionary. :returns: String of human-readable status values. """ s = "" for k, v in status_dict.items(): s += f"{k:24s} " try: if v is None: s += "Unknown" elif k.endswith("polarity"): s += f"{Polarity(v).name.capitalize()}" elif k.endswith("direction"): s += f"{Direction(v).name.capitalize()}" elif k.endswith("delay") or k.endswith("duration"): s += f"{v} ticks == {v/42:0.3f} µs" elif k.endswith("period"): s += f"{v} µs == {1e6/v:0.1f} Hz" else: s += f"{v}" except: s += "***Invalid***" s += "\n" return s
[docs]def find_device(location=""): """ Search attached serial ports for a TRSInterface device. The first device found will be returned. If multiple devices are attached to the system, the ``location`` parameter may be used to select the correct device. Location refers to the USB bus and port identifier the device is plugged in to, for example "1-14:1.0". This is a regular expression match, for example ``location="14"`` would match devices with "14" anywhere in the location string, while ``location=".*14$"`` would match locations ending in 14. :param location: Regular expression to match a device USB location. """ for p in # If manufacturer and product fields exist, try to use them # If a location is provided, require a match if ((p.vid == 0x2341) and ( == 0x003e) and (re.match(location, p.location) if p.location else True)): return p